Who We Are

In 1974 BLACK SEEDS was founded by individuals who believed that the job of the civil rights and Black liberation movements was not done. Laws have been passed that have provided some changes in the plight of Black people, however institutional racism, exploitation and racial injustice still prevail.

BLACK SEEDS is a non-profit, tax-exempt, volunteer, educational and service organization. BLACK SEEDS’ goal is to Educate, Organize and Unify African People through study, analysis, mass political education and the promotion of unity and cooperation among individuals and organizations. BLACK SEEDS wants the complete economic, political, and social freedom of African people from all forms of economic, institutional, and racist exploitation and oppression.

We recognize that many of us are concerned about just plain “surviving” and are not always able to give much thought or time to changing the system that causes us problems. Therefore, since our inception, BLACK SEEDS has developed programs that combined our political and progressive activism with addressing specific community needs, including educational pamphlets and fliers, community forums and festivals, street cleanups, Kwanzaa celebrations, voter registrations, teen programs such as Black Seeds, Jr., door-to-door campaigns, study groups, protests, free clothing program, GED program and other measures that will help to improve the condition of all Black people in this country and the world, and “We Who Believe in Freedom” – our Black Historical and Educational Calendar – now in its 48th year.

Since the beginning of BLACK SEEDS, there have been many important events: The election of the first Black male U.S. president; the election of the first Black female Vice President of the U.S., increased presence of people of color on major news networks, The Million Man March, The Million Women March, the freeing of Nelson Mandela, the new South Africa, increased opportunities for Black women, the rise of Black income, and the relatively improved social conditions of Black people in this country. African Americans have made significant strides but much work still needs to be done.  We can not rest until the senseless murder of our people at the hands of the police is ended and our right to complete equality and justice is recognized.    To help us help ourselves, make certain you pass this Calendar/information to family and friends. We need you to continue to challenge complacency.

WE WHO BELIEVE IN FREEDOM CAN NOT REST.  We need everyone to get involved and become a part of the changes we seek.

We Must Stand Together. Do Your Part To Build Black Unity!